Advertising & sponsorship
Ideal OOH positioning
Roadvent has been developed to tackle pollution at some of the most densely populated and highly trafficked areas – pollution hot spots.
The placement of Roadvent creates a unique opportunity to generate significant impressions for OOH media. Pedestrians, cyclists, drivers and community members are likely to have a significant interest in an advertisement that has been born as a result of producing clean, safe air for them to breathe.
Each roadside air station is built in a cuboid or cube shape, therefore creating up to 4 fascias for OOH digital media to be displayed. Each station is fitted with 4G connectivity as standard.

Brand association & recognition
Savvy consumers are becoming more conscious about brands authenticity around the positive impact they are creating for people and the environment.
Roadvent creates an incredible opportunity for brands to be associated with creating significant tangible, positive impact on local communities lives.
Further environmental improvement opportunities will also be available in the near future surrounding the capture and storage of CO2 gas, which in turn can create carbon credits, offering great financial tax advantages for advertisers.

Providing clean air for communities
Air pollution is widely regarded as one of the globes biggest threats to humanity and quality of life.
It is well documented that many communities have began to take action surrounding poor air quality in the form of setting up groups, arranging activities and many online dedicated forums have been formed.
A compelling back drop to OOH media is a winning combination to any branding campaign. We believe Roadvent is a fantastic opportunity to create significant and viral community buy in.

A smart city future
SMART cities of the future will be designed around maximum convenience alongside health and safety improvement.
Roadvent technology has been designed to accommodate all of communities needs surrounding improved urban air quality whilst not wasting energy resources.
Cities of the future will give pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, business owners and residents safe and legal air quality – Roadvent is here to assist in providing this.

Roadvent ® is now available for installation Worldwide.
In-person demonstrations held at Pollution Solution’s site @ UTAC / Millbrook Proving Ground, UK.
Contact us
Telephone: (+44) 0203 475 8741